Thursday, June 26, 2008


This is day four. We are coming to the closing of our session for the week. The things that I 've learned have been most rewarding. R. Mercer is an excellant presenter. Today we will continue creating our flipcharts. We will be introduced to the Promethean Planet, flipchart builder,camera tool, and power tools. I will be adding an image to my flipchart using the camera tool. I am so excited. If every teacher used this technology I'm sure that every student would be more compelled and motivated to participate in class.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This is day three. We will add pages to our flip charts.Create an activote quiz and take our very own quiz. I'm having a wonderful time exploring these new activities. I am quite sure that every teacher at Magnolia will be able to provide our students with the latest technological instructions. I have observed teachers at our school using this technology and the students love it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Attendance Organization Skills

Monday, June 23, 2008

This is my first activstudio training today.I really enjoyed this session. I think that this training will help motivate the students to learn more. The teachers should be elated with this wonderful tool to work with. My favorite part of the training is building flip charts. Blogging is another great tool to explore. This material should enhance any student's curiosity.